I walk daily with my dogs, now two playful, hilarious golden retrievers (see blog, Dog Decades, the decade has changed). It is an important ritual and seems to settle not just the dogs, but me as well.
Generally my walk runs out the back side of Cooper's Crossroad's Elm Farm and meanders through brush, pine, marsh and meadow. I swing by an old apple tree that sits overlooking the valley Keene is nestled in. It is a stunning view and demands appreciation and prayers upon arriving.
The apple tree I have named Agitha. It is old, the bark curls and stretches. Limbs reach out towards the sky with crooked navigation due an old apple tree. I feel I can relate as my limbs seem to have crooked navigation as well. Something we have in common.
I pant my way up the meadow to say hi to this friend nearly every day. Not sure Agitha cares. But I sure do. This tree seems to carry peace that comes from growing in idyllic surroundings, and I believe I can benefit from the daily greeting.
My walking ritual to see Agitha got thrown right out the window recently when I decided to do a long past due road trip.
Due to treatment and trauma, I had not vacationed in over a decade. Like I said, long overdue. So, my partner, three dogs and I drove to Florida to check out the lives of dearly beloved folks. Not nearly as fun as my walks, but you gotta pay somewhere!
My mission on this road trip was to visit friends and "family" who now live and work in the Florida horse world. To say the horse world in Ocala and Wellington is extensive is an insane understatement. Hard to describe in words the acres and acres of rolling horse pastures in Ocala and the award-winning show grounds in both locations.

I had the privilege of seeing friends two and four legged. Visit with people I see once every five to ten years. I had a tear-jerking reunion with a horse now located in Ocala that I had trained and coached on years ago. I had breakfasts and dinners with old friends and new friends.
I don't think I have ever driven as much on a vacation, but it was so so worth it. This trip seems to have gifted me peace, a full heart, a smile that will keep coming back as the memories pop up, a jaunt in my step, vigor and joy.Agitha is still daily waiting on me to say hi or I like to think so, and I will get back to my Florida family one day again.

To unexpected sources of pronounced peace,