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The Other Side

Whether or not we are seeing "the other side" of this pandemic, I see many (including myself) as settling into a new normal. It sure helps that the sun has been shining the last few days in New Hampshire. Our "stay at home" order has lifted a bit. To me it feels like we are getting let out to green pasture. Oddly exciting. As if we are galloping into an unknown. This is a unique opportunity.

For me, a unique opportunity as a farm manager. One that offers the occasion to see what parts of the organization worked in the past, and what did not. What felt weak, and what felt strong. Where can we do better, following whatever guidelines one can find surrounding minimizing viral transmission. There is no doubt things WILL look different. At Dusty Dog Farm (home to Cooper's Crossroad) we have been hashing out ideas and thoughts for weeks. Team building has been a gift COVID has brought to us. The core staff has now been through the myriad of frustrations, laughter, anger, saddness, joy...the highs and lows of working closely together. There is a solidarity among the staff now, clearly influenced by the adversity caused by the COVID pandemic. Without stating the obivious, we feel tight now. Six weeks in. Tight, strong..... and ready to fill the human need to be around horses. Horses are healers. For those who have never spent time with them, trust me. They heal. For those of us who are fortunate enough to work with and around them, there is no where better to be than with a horse. As a life long horsewoman, I have known since early in life that I wanted to always be with horses. I have, and I continue to grow in my relationship with them. All along I had no idea that I was constantly getting healing from them. And thank goodness I did. Enabling me to enhance horse and human relationships. Now I teach people not to just learn how to ride. But also, to how to communicate non verbally with them...which in turn strengthens us socially and emotionally. The "work" we do with horses can quite literally translate to our "work" with humans. How we contect with horses, is often how we connect with humans. The staff at the farm, the volunteers and board members of Cooper's Crossroad are all ready to pass the gift of strength on. Let us move on, with wind in our sails. Enjoy the sun, All the best, Christina

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