Greetings, dear friends! I'm Scarlett, the diminutive duchess of Elm Farm and its only miniature horse! Though some say I'm actually a unicorn in disguise – and who can blame them? With my pristine white coat and flowing mane and tail that would make any fairy tale princess jealous, I certainly look the part!
My royal journey brought me to Elm Farm in the summer of 2022 when my human family relocated to Keene, NH. Since then, I've established my delightful domain here, where I graciously share my charm with all our program participants. Recently, I've welcomed a new best friend into my court – a miniature mule named Crouton, who perfectly complements my regal bearing.

Don't let my noble status fool you, though! This princess isn't afraid to let her mane down. Nothing brings me more joy than galloping through the fields with wild abandon or – don't tell anyone – finding the perfect mud patch for a thoroughly un-princess-like roll! Of course, I always welcome tribute in the form of treats from my loyal subjects. As Elm Farm's resident royalty, I cordially invite you to pay me a visit. A queen needs her admirers, after all!