I am one of the lucky few that gets to practice the art of dancing on horseback. Otherwise known as "Dressage". It is an ancient sport based on communication, connection, mindfulness and staying centered... in body, mind and spirit. All things that we are also trying to teach in Farming For Resilience.
Recently I competed at Region 8 Dressage Championships. A show filled with over 700 of the best riders in this sport in the Northeast. Dressage heaven. I stuffed myself into it hardcore. There is basically nothing better for a competitive horse woman than a 4 day break like this.
I had the pleasure of showing with a group of women, who all ride with the same trainer. This group, titled "Team Believe" is made up of up to 8 women (depending on the show) with different backgrounds, different lives, different almost everything EXCEPT a passion for this sport. Passion is the fire that supports Team Believe.
Passion is also the fire that supports Farming For Resilience. I feel the same straight from the heart focus, attention and drive in the volunteers and staff of Farming For Resilience that I feel in Team Believe. Different focus, same passion. No matter the life or background of the FFR staff, or of Team Believe, they come to support each other earning strength that comes from working together.
Farming For Resilience is now working on its fourth week of the program. We are working on "Courage". Both on horseback and on foot, we teach when and how to use a brave breath. I can not begin to describe the joy I feel doing this program. And used many brave breaths riding at championships! Our event staff has been busy as well. Cooper's Crossroad collaborated with Marlborough Elementary Sept 20 to offer a community family friendly event featuring the movie "Resilience" and fun filled child care for the younger set. I have yet to receive a complete low down on the event, however it sounds like it went well! Sept 24, I will be speaking at the Keene Country Club on behalf of the organization. Oct 16, Cooper's Crossroad partners with Cutler Elementary at Keene State College,to offer a presentation of Scarlett Lewis's "Choose Love" organization. After losing her son in the Sandy Hook school shooting, she struck off to choose love, even under the toughest circumstances.... and teach others how to do the same. She has had world wide success. Please come. It is a presentation worth seeing. Keep an eye on the movement of Cooper's Crossroad over the next several months. The organization is moving so fast I sometimes feel the need to put on a seat belt. Buckle up and stay tuned, Christina
