Raising awareness of trauma and adverse childhood experiencescomes in all forms. Coming up for Cooper's Crossroad this month are two big ways we are reaching into our community. Please join us for our Miles Towards Melting the Myth of Trauma 5K walk/ run on July 21, Sunday and/or our Miles Towards Melting the Myth of Trauma 5K Pleasure Ride on July 28, Sunday. To register for the Pleasure Ride, please call Christina at 603-852-8029. The course will take the participants through the fields and trails at Dusty Dog Farm...picturesque scenery and peaceful surroundings await anyone with the desire to join.
With the back drop of this pastoral set, the mission behind these events is driving hard to enable more folks to lift their eyes to what adverse childhood experiences and trauma do to each of us. Cooper's Crossroad continues its reach into the community. And we continue to partner with other organizations to build bridges of health and peace.
In September we partner with "All of Us" to co-host a showing of the movie "Resilience" at the Marlborough School. November 15, we continue that partnership by offering the same community a showing of the movie "Angst".
Also in September we partner with "Be the Change" for a speaking engagement, in Peterborough NH, on Adverse Childhood Experiences October brings us joining with Cutler Elementary School and MCVP to co-host Scarlett Lewis, Founder of the "Choose Love" movement. She will speak about the importance of choosing love as we walk through our lives. The curriculum that she kick started is one of the two foundations for our "Farming For Resilience" program. Farming For Resilience will be working with Cutler Elementary School in the 2019/20 school year. We will also continue the work with Symonds School in the upcoming scholastic year. Stacy Linton and I are working hard on formating the cirruculum during our "down time" this summer! Lastly (for now), we will be hosting at Dusty Dog Farm an evening of Yoga and Meditation on September 26. Yoga and meditation are both proven to help healing from trauma. This evening will introduce the practices and the science behind why they work for healing from trauma. All of these events are free and open to the public. For any further information, or to co-host an event, please contact Christina at 603-852-8029.
