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May 8, 2019

With great gratitude I write that the organization continues to shine, even if the sun has not. This week has been filled with the beauty of spring..... and at long last the sun joined us in New England on Monday. Cows calving, grass growing, horses shedding, life moving towards growth. Cooper's Crossroad is the same, minus the shedding and calving. Growth is happening! 1) Farming For Resilience - The children joined us this week for a wonderful combination of riding lessons, brave breath work and expressing gratitude. The smiles on their faces say it all. We will be hosting an open house at Dusty Dog Farm for the parents, families and caregivers of the children involved in the program. This event will be held May 26, 2019, 11-1. The volunteers and staff will offer the kids an opportunity to show off what they have learned on horseback, a farm tour will be given and lunch of burgers and dogs will be served! I have been asked for an interview May 9. A teacher is putting together a presentation of what the program is doing for the kids present to the school board. I am thrilled. Always I push towards melting the myth of trauma. The more that hear it, and the work we are doing to move toward action, the better. We will be offering scholarships to the children in the Farming For Resilience program to our summer farm camp programs. I have faith that this opportunity will appeal to all, and be real for several. I ran in to one of the teachers at Symonds tonight at 100+ Women Who Care. She shared that the impact the program is having on the students is remarkable. It made my heart warm to hear that. 2) SAVE THE DATES : Miles Towards Melting The Myth of Trauma 5K July 21, 2019 and Miles Towards Melting The Myth of Trauma 5K Pleasure Ride July 28, 2019....Our fliers are currently getting printed. And we are getting ready to bring word out to the public!!! Thank you to those who helped so much with putting together beautiful fliers. 3) This week I attended the 100+ Women Who Care event in Keene. this powerful and progressive group of women come together quarterly to support non-profits in the area. The meeting is inspiring. I would encourage any woman to explore what a cool community this is!! It is a big So look it up, and attend a meeting if you are able. You will not be let down.

4) May 23, 2019 Dr. Catheriine Cauthorine will be speaking on EMDR - Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing does it treat trauma? This type of treatment is widely used for treatment of trauma. Personally it has helped me to make big shifts in my own healing journey. I will be going in to more details on what this treatment is, and what it is like ,next week! In the meantime, please mark your calendars for this date. Thursday, May 23 7-8 pm Keene Public Libaray. Enjoy every second of sun! Until next week, ​Christina

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